Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Research in technology of automatic identification field (17.HDOK12)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Mehatronika, robotika i automatizacija i integrisani sistemi

The aim of this course is to enable students to understand modern approach in the application of technology to automatically identify and research in this area.

Outcomes are the knowledge and skills of students for independent and group research work and research in this area.

Study research opportunities and conditions that affect the application of constraint technology for automatic identification, such as linear and 2D barcode, OCR, RFID, NFC. Critical analysis of the applied technology of automatic identification. Creating a business case for implementation of automatic identification. Action research that involves testing of selected solutions to particular problems in the laboratory or field conditions.

Lectures: Mentor and student select one or more modules depending on their volume. Consultation. Lectures are delivered in combination. Delivering the theoretical part is followed by the examples that clarify the theoretical part of the curriculum. In addition to the lectures, consultations are held regularly. While studying scientific journals and other literature student independently deepens subject-matter delivered at lectures. In addition to working with the teacher, students are trained to write their own scientific work.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Russell E. Adams Sourcebook of automatic identification and data collection 2017 Van Nostrand Reinhold English
Ostojić G., Stankovski S., Vukelić Đ., Lazarević M., Hodolič J., Tadić B., Odri S. Implementation of automatic identification technology in a process of fixture assembly/disassembly 2011 Strojniski vestnik = Journal of Mechanical Engineering English
Stankovski, S., Lazarević, M., Ostojić, G., Ćosić, I., Purić, R. RFID Technology in Product/Part Tracking During the Whole Life Cycle 2009 Assembly Automation, Elsavier English
Tarjan L., Šenk I., Tegeltija S., Stankovski S., Ostojić G. A readability analysis for QR code application in a traceability system 2014 Computers and Electronics in Agriculture English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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Prof. Ostojić Gordana

Full Professor

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Prof. Ostojić Gordana

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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