Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Prefabrication of concrete structures and assembly (17.GG424)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Tehnologija i organizacija građenja i menadžment
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquiring knowledge about designing and building prefabricated buildings (hall and buildings).

Educational outcome:

Capability for basic elements of designing prefabricated concrete structures of the hall and buildings. Ability to plan and organize the design, transport and assembly of elements. The acquired knowledge is directly applied in engineering practice.

Course content:

Classifications of prefabricated structural elements and structures. Design of prefabricated concrete elements (principles and specificities). Constructions of industrial halls and multi-storey buildings: design specifics, structural systems, joints and connection elements. Methods of prefabrication of prefabricated elements. Prefabricated concrete gantry. Transportation of prefabricated elements. Auxiliary and basic tools for assembly. Technology and methods of assembly.

Teaching methods:

Teaching process is realized through lectures in the form of presentations and through graphic practice which students do individually during the classes assisted by the teaching assistant, and based on obtained information (lectures, literature, consultations and general introduction into practice). All completed graphic papers receive a certain number of points. The examination includes the entire course content from this semester and it is taken in written form (tasks and theory). The examination grade is formed on the basis of lecture and practice attendance, points from graphic practice and written part of the examination.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Elliott, K. S. Precast Concrete Structures 2001 Butterworth-Heinemann English
Grupa autora Montažni građevinski objekti 1983 Ekonomika, Beograd Serbian language
Trivunić, M., Dražić, J. Montaža betonskih konstrukcija zgrada 2009 AGM knjiga, Beograd Serbian language
Grupa autora Evropski standard EN 1992-1-1; Evrokod 2 – Projektovanje betonskih konstrukcija – Deo 1.1: Opšta pravila i pravila za zgrade 2009 Građevinski fakultet, Beograd Serbian language
Krastavčević, M. Primena montažnog građenja : javni i industrijski objekti od betona 2007 Izgradnja, Beograd Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 50.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00

Asistent Senjak Pejić Milena

Assistant - Master

Practical classes
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vanr. prof. dr Brujić Zoran

Associate Professor

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prof. dr Trivunić Milan

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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