Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Technology of concrete - roads (17.GG21P)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Građevinski materijali, procena stanja i sanacija konstrukcija

Introduction on the basic theoretical principles of cement and asphalt concrete, as a composite material. Acquiring knowledge on the specificity of component materials (binders, fillers, additives) properties of fresh and hardened concrete and methods for their testing. Mastering knowledge on methodology of cement and asphalt concrete mix design. Introduction to traditional and modern technologies for cement and asphalt concrete production and placing. Training for the design of the concrete project.

Acquired knowledge is used in professional subjects at higher level of education and in engineering practice. Qualifications for: the selection of the appropriate type of cement and asphalt concrete and their mix design; the organization of concreting / asphalting of roads, plateaus, runways and other civil engineering structures in normal and extreme climatic conditions; a monitoring and a testing of the quality of cement and asphalt concrete during the execution of the concrete works and for the design of the concrete project.

Basic constituents of cement and asphalt concretes. The structure and properties of fresh cement and asphalt concretes (rheological properties, technological properties, other properties). The structure and properties of hardened cement and asphalt concrete (micro and macro structure, compressive strength, tensile strength , modulus of elasticity and Poisson`s coefficient). Rheological properties of hardened cement and asphalt concrete. Special properties of concrete (resistance to frost action, resistance to frost and deicing agents, resistance to wear, watertightness). Mix design of different types of cement and asphalt concrete. Production, transportation, placing and curing of cement and asphalt concretes. Building basic concrete structures. Procedures for concreting/asphalting roads, pavements airport runaways and other civil engineering structures. Concrete quality control. Project of concrete.

Lectures are held with contemporary technical means: PowerPoint presentations, film and graphic illustrations. In laboratory practice, students can observe or participate in preparing concrete mixtures and in testing basic properties of fresh and hardened cement and asphalt concrete. A part of the practice is computing, with specific tasks from civil engineering practice. Professional excursion (a concrete factory, asphalt concrete factory and interesting structures under construction with concrete works) is obligatory for all students. The exam comprises theoretical and practical – written part. The written part is eliminatory. The written part of the exam includes computing tasks. The theoretical part of the exam is taken orally after passing the written part of the exam. During the semester in which the subject is organised, 40% of the theoretical part can be passed through one colloquium.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Practical part of the exam - tasks No Yes 30.00
Coloquium exam No No 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Laboratory exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 20.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 40.00
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Assoc. Prof. Bulatović Vesna

Associate Professor

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Asst. Prof. Šupić Slobodan

Assistant Professor

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Asst. Prof. Draganić Suzana

Assistant Professor

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Asst. Prof. Draganić Suzana

Assistant Professor

Practical classes
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Asst. Prof. Draganić Suzana

Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes
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Assoc. Prof. Bulatović Vesna

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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