Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Mechanics 1 (17.GG07)

Native organizations units: Chair of Technical Mechanics
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Mechanics
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

Introduction of basic principles and methods of statical analysis, and their application in the study of mechanical systems equilibrium.

Educational outcome:

It is our intention to present to students the basic concepts and principles of mechanics in the clearest and simplest form possible. A major objective of this course is to help the students to develop problem solving skills for mechanics system equilibrium. Acquired knowledge will be used by students in further education.

Course content:

Basic concepts of mechanics: space, time, force, mass. basic models: particle, system of particles, rigid and deformable body. Axiom of inertia – statics of a particle. Basic principles (axioms) of the rigid body statics. System of concurrent forces. Moment of a force about a point, moment of a force about an axis, Varignon's theorem. A couple, reduction of a force to a point. Arbitrary system of forces. Coplanar forces - equilibrium. Equilibrium of the system of rigid bodies. Friction. Analysis of the arbitrary system of forces, static invariants, central axis, Varignon's theorem. Parallel forces. Center of gravity, centroid. Analysis of structures. Trusses - method of joints, method of sections. Beams and frames - axial force, shearing force and bending moment. Cables and catenaries. Analytical statics. Virtual displacement, virtual work of forces and couples. Principle of virtual work. Stability of equilibrium.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, exercises, consultations. During the lectures, theoretical background is presented. During the exercise classes, the acquired theoretical knowledge is applied in solution of diverse problems. Partial examinations are organized during the semester. Partial examination in the analzsis of structures is obligatory, while other ones can substitute appropriate parts of the written examination.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Đukić, Đ., Cvetićanin, L. Statika 2006 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
L. Rusov Mehanika - Statika 1992 Naučna knjiga, Beograd Serbian language
Beer, F., et al. Vector Mechanics for Engineers 2004 McGraw-Hill, New York English
S. Brčić Tehnička mehanika I 2012 Akademska misao Serbian language
F. Ziegler Mechanics of Solids and Fluids 1998 Springer-Verlag, New York English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Coloquium exam No Yes 20.00
Homework Yes Yes 5.00
Homework Yes Yes 5.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 20.00

vanr. prof. dr Žigić Miodrag

Associate Professor


prof. dr Novaković Branislava

Full Professor


doc. Rehlicki-Lukešević Lidija

Assistant Professor

Practical classes
API Image

doc. Mihok Sanja

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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