Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected Chapters in Infrastructure Management using Information Systems (17.GD037)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Traffic Paths
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Enabling students to acquire professional and scientific knowledge and its application in practice and in science.

Educational outcome:

Student will be competent to use the acquired knowledge in further education in professional and scientific activities.

Course content:

Introduction, objectives and outcomes of the facility management system, basic information, planning. System structure, facility classification, functions, levels of analyses. Contemporary methodological approaches to management using the newest programmes for data acquisition and facility monitoring. Analysis of the process in the facility management system (IDEF0 methodology). Data analysis and the development of the decision-making information system (IDEF1X methodology). Geographic information system as a basis for the development of a decision-making and facility management system (roads, bridges, landslides, industrial objects, etc.). Damages catalogue, work specifications. Damage development and forecasting models. Application of new mathematical analyses and heuristic methods for predicting condition alterations on a facility. Evaluation methods and prioritizing.

Teaching methods:

Partly auditory in lectures and tutorials, and partly writing a seminar paper that has to be publicly defended and graded.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Group of authors Highway Development & Management HDM-4, Volume 1-7. 2000 ISOHDM Technical Secretariat the University of Birmingham English
Waheed Uddin, W Ronald Hudson, Ralph Haas Public Infrastructure Asset Management 2013 McGraw-Hill Education English
Goodman A.S., Hastak M. Infrastructure planning handbook-Planning, engineering and economics 2006 ASCE Press English
Hudson W.R., Haas R., Uddin W. Infrastructure management-Integrating design, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation and renovation 1997 McGraw-Hill, New York English
Stankevich N., Qureshi N., Queiroz Q. Transport Note No. TN-27, ‘’Performance-based Contracting for Preservation and Improvement of Road Assets’’ 2009 The World Bank, Washington, D.C. English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
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prof. dr Matić Bojan

Full Professor

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doc. dr Marinković Milan

Assistant Professor

Study research work
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prof. dr Matić Bojan

Full Professor

Study research work
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doc. dr Marinković Milan

Assistant Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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