Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected Chapters in Pavement Construction (17.GD030)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Traffic Paths
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Enabling students to acquire professional and scientific knowledge and its application in practice and in science.

Educational outcome:

Training of students for designing new and reinforcing and reconstruction of existing pavements with a selection of suitable materials, assessment of the condition of pavement structures, application of new and recycled materials, application of the concept of permanent pavements.

Course content:

Types and specifics of pavement structures. Mechanics of pavement construction - pavement designs, basic physical-mechanical characteristics and fatigue of materials, definition of fracture. Input data - traffic load, subgrade, layers of pavement structure - materials. Dimensioning based on empirical methods and models based on pavement mechanics. Application in different types of pavement: flexible, semi-rigid and rigid. The influence of climate and other factors. Modern methods of assessing the condition of the pavement, indicators of pavement construction. Designing the reinforcement of existing pavements. Reinforcing of pavement. Types of asphalt mixtures. Use of alternative materials in the design and construction of pavement structures. Recycling of materials of flexible pavement structures (processes of hot and cold recycling of asphalt mixtures). The concept of permanent pavement - 'Perpetual pavements'. Principles of modern maintenance of pavement structures.

Teaching methods:

Partly auditory in lectures and tutorials, and partly writing a seminar paper that has to be publicly defended and graded.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Norbert J. Delatte Concrete Pavement Design, Construction, and Performance 2014 CRC Press English
Cvetanović, A., Banić, B. Kolovozne konstrukcije 2007 Akademska misao, Beograd Serbian language
Uzelac, Đ. Kolovozne konstrukcije 2015 Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian language
Dragan Č.Lukić I Petar V. Anagnosti Geotehnika saobraćajnica 2010 Serbian language
Y. Richard Kim Modeling of Asphalt Concrete 2009 ASCE Press English
Aleksandar Cvetanović, Borivoje Banić Popravke kolovoznih konstrukcija 2011 Akademska misao Serbian language
Branko Mazić Asfaltne kolovozne konstrukcije 2007 Serbian language
Geoffrey Griffiths and Nick Thom Concrete Pavement Design Guidance Notes 2007 Taylor&Francis English
Branko Mazić, Ivan F.Lovrić Ceste 2010 Univerzitet Sarajevo Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
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prof. dr Matić Bojan

Full Professor

Study research work
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prof. dr Matić Bojan

Full Professor

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doc. dr Marinković Milan

Assistant Professor

Study research work
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doc. dr Marinković Milan

Assistant Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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