Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected parts of materials science (17.GD012)

Native organizations units: Department of Civil Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Građevinski materijali, procena stanja i sanacija konstrukcija
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquiring leading knowledge and skills in the area of construction material engineering (obtaining materials with priory defined properties) and connecting their structural properties with their performances. The skills and techniques necessary for solving major problems in the research will be developed.Within the course, engineering of the following materials will be considered: metals, ceramics (glass, rough and smooth construction ceramics, mortar, light concrete and ordinary concrete regarding the definition of the structure resistant to frost and chloride), polymers utilized in construction, composite materials. Apart from material engineering, special thematic units will be concerned with the application of nanomaterials (especially with photo-catalytic function) and nanotechnologies in construction.

Educational outcome:

The acquired knowledge will be used by students for individual research work and other courses at Doctoral studies. Knowledge for understanding the main principles in material engineering enables students to find best solutions in practice for the protection of materials from harmful influence in the environment, preservation of monuments, professional analyses of damage samples and structure damages. Introduction to basic properties and the application of nanomaterials enables easier application of these materials in practice.

Course content:

Structure of engineering materials (crystal structure, microstructure, molecular structure of organic polymers and glass). Material engineering: metals and alloys (hardening mechanisms, the influence of processing on mechanical properties, degradation), glass and ceramics (types of glass, means for altering mechanical properties, types of ceramic materials, processing modern ceramics, mechanisms for altering mechanical properties), cement, mortar, concrete (porosity, pore size distribution, links between pore characteristics and durability), polymers (types, processing manners, degradation, mechanisms for altering mechanic properties), composite materials (procedures for production, modelling the composite material properties), nanomaterials (basic properties, manner of production, application in construction, nanomaterials with photo-catalytic properties).

Teaching methods:

Lectures are held with contemporary technical means: PowerPoint presentations, film and graphic illustrations, usage of contemporary laboratory equipment (use of scanning electronic microscope, HRD, thermal methods). Tutorials. Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
P.J.M. Bartos, J.J. Huges, P. Trtik and W. Zhu Nanotechnology in construction 2004 The Royal Society of Chemistry English
Gorbunov Osnovi stroitelnogo materialovedenija 2002 Izdatelstvo ASV Russian language
Martin, J.W. Materials for engineering 2006 Woodhead publishing limited, Cambridge English
William D. Callister, Jr Fundamentals of materials sciences and engineering 2001 John Wiley &Sons, Inc English
M. Radeka Nauka o materijalima 2007 materijali sa predavanja Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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doc. Šupić Slobodan

Assistant Professor

Study research work
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Naučni saradnik Milović Tiana

Science Associate

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vanr. prof. dr Bulatović Vesna

Associate Professor

Study research work
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vanr. prof. dr Bulatović Vesna

Associate Professor

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Naučni saradnik Milović Tiana

Science Associate

Study research work
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doc. Šupić Slobodan

Assistant Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.