Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Doctoral thesis - Study and research (17.FDS305)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Grafičko inženjerstvo
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

Application of basic, theoretical-methodological, scientific-professional and expert-applied knowledge on solving concrete problems within the selected topic of the doctoral dissertation. Acquiring knowledge about the method, structure and forms of writing the doctoral dissertation paper after analyzes and other activities carried out within the given topic of the doctoral dissertation. By developing a doctoral dissertation paper, students acquire a scientific experience for creative work, writing works that need to describe the issues, the methods and procedures and results that have been achieved, as well as to give a new scientific contribution to the development of science and the application of their scientific research into practice. In this way the student acquires the necessary experience in solving complex scientific and research problems.

Educational outcome:

Training of students for achieving scientific abilities and academic skills, development of creative abilities and mastering specific practical skills from the topics of doctoral dissertation. The student is also able to independently solve theoretical and practical problems, understanding and using contemporary knowledge, the ability to monitor contemporary achievements, independent and creative action, linking knowledge from different fields and application, solving problems using scientific methods, performing graphic simulations and experimental research, transferring and discussing the results of the research, communication at the professional level in the writing of scientific and research results in the form of the doctoral dissertation report.

Course content:

Search and analysis of scientific and research results from the topic of doctoral dissertation. Planning and performing graphic simulations and experimental research. Acquisition, processing, presentation and disuscitation of research results, conclusions and defining directions of future research. Writing the doctoral dissertation paper. The student, in agreement with the mentor, prepares the doctoral dissertation paper in written form. The study is structured in the form of a doctoral dissertation. The manner and procedure for the preparation of the doctoral dissertation paper is regulated by the general act of the Faculty of Technical Sciences.

Teaching methods:

The student writes a doctoral dissertation and, upon obtaining consent from the assessment and defense commission, sends the thesis to the commision. The defense of the doctoral dissertation is public, and the student is obliged, after the presentation, to give an oral answer to the questions and remarks.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Svi Udžbenici i monografije iz problematike studijskog programa sve Svi Serbian language
Svi Zbornici radova naučnih skupova iz problematike studijskog programa sve Svi Serbian language
Svi Časopisi sa SCI/SCIe/SSCI liste iz problematike studijskog programa sve Svi Serbian language
Svi Doktorske disertacije iz problematike studijskog programa sve Svi Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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