Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected chapters from contemporary graphic reproduction (17.FDS226)

General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Grafičko inženjerstvo

The student is able to expand and acquire new and specific knowledge in the field of digital workflows. Possibilities that exist within the content of digital data within the framework of these workflows, with the presentation of various software solutions, depending on the manufacturer are presented. After successfully passing the course, the student is acquainted with the current situation in the market, in terms of modern technologies used for the preparation of printing forms for offset, gravure, flexo and screen printing..

Achieved necessary knowledge related to the field of contemporary digitial workflows, creation of the printing forms with the help of new - modern technologies. Ability to engage in scientific research in the field of contemporary graphic reproduction. The course part of the course is conducted through independent research in the area related to the subject. Independent research work includes a detailed overview of the current scientific literature related to the field of digital workflows, digital data, the production of printing forms with the help of new technologies, writing seminar work and writing work in the field of subjects

Characterization of digital data used in graphic production. Standards for using digital data - PDFX and their outputs. The advantage of using a PDF and JDF document in a relation to other file formats. Presentation of PDF standards that are in accordance with ISO standard 12647 for graphic production and their difference, depending on the particular printing technique. PSO standard and its impact on the development of PDFX standards. The use of digital workflows in the process of universal graphic reproduction and their role in graphic production. Different software solutions for digital workflows depending on the manufacturer and the printing technique for which they are used.. New technologies - devices for the digital printing of printing forms for offset, flexo, screen, direct and indirect gravure printing. Advantages and disadvantages of new technologies in comparison with standard systems for printing forms.

Teaching is done through independent research, consulting and mentoring. Through research work, the student, studying scientific journals and other adequate literature independently deepens the material. In addition to working with a teacher, the student is also trained in research and independent writing of scientific work.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Marin J., Shaffer, J. The PDF print production guide 2004 GATF press English
Gonzalez, R.C., Woods, R.E. Digital Image Processing (3rd Edition) 2008 Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River English
Hoffmann-Walbeck, T. et al. Standards in der Medienproduktion 2013 Springer-Verlag, Berlin English
Johansson, K., Lundberg, P., Ryberg, R. A guide to Graphic print production 2003 John Wiley and Sons, Varnamo English
Lacey, J. The complete guide to digital imaging 2002 Themes and Hudson, London English
Suganuma K. Introduction to Printed Electronics 2014 Springer English
Izdebska, J., Sabu, T. Printing on Polymers 2016 Elsevier English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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Prof. Vladić Gojko

Full Professor

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Prof. Pavlović Živko

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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