
Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected Chapters in Programming (17.FDS224)

Native organizations units: Sub-department for Applied Computer Science and Informatics
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field
  • Grafičko inženjerstvo
  • Applied Computer Science and Informatics

To acquire knowledge in the field of Contemporary Theory in Programming and associated technologies.

Understanding modern programming theories, ability to apply knowledge in the field of software systems development.

Modern programming theory. Selected programming paradigms. Technologies and development tools for supporting contemporary programming paradigms.

Teaching methods include: lectures, computer work, project elaboration, and consultations. In lectures, using all necessary didactic equipment, course content is presented and students are stimulated to actively participate by being obligated to present the given contents. Practical part is done on the computer. Students have the obligation to individually elaborate a project.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 50.00
API Image

Prof. Branko Milosavljević

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.