Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Theoretical, Historical and Applied Research in Communication Design (17.FDS216)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Grafičko inženjerstvo
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

The study of the communication design field aims at generating a basic and lasting knowledge of communication design, the design culture and its practice, practitioners, outcomes, possibilities, history of design; the role of design in society, the social reformation and the future.

Educational outcome:

The ability to conduct a scientific research in the field of design.

Course content:

Design as communication and process, The culture of design, Theoretic design discourse, Communication design, Semiotics, stylistics, visual rhetoric and poetics in communication design. Design and user experience, Classic models of consumer behavior, Research methods and techniques in the field of design, Communication design research in a wider context of disciplines. Research methods of communication design effectiveness.

Teaching methods:

Teaching is done through mentoring, study research and consulting. Study research work includes a detailed overview of current scientific literature in the field of design culture and communications, and writing work in the field of the subject. Mentor's work and consultations include guided training of a student for the setting up and performance of research and presentation of results in the form of work, monitoring progress of the research, as well as constructive analysis of student work.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Babin, J.B; Harris, G.E. Ponašanje potrošača 2012 Data status, Beograd Serbian language
Mollerup, P. Marks of Excellence: The History and Taxonomy of Trademarks 2004 Phaidon press, Gloucester English
Van Leeuwen, T; Jewitt, C. The Handbook of Visual Analysis 2001 Sage Publications, Ltd. English
Kress, G., Leeuwen, T. Reading Images: The Gramar of Visual Design 2006 Teylor and Francis, Routledge English
Rajčetić, Z.; Mitrović, V.; Nedeljković, U. Upidiv 50 godina – na ramenima velikana 2014 Udruženje likovnih umetnika primenjenih umetnosti i dizajnera Vojvodine Serbian language
Messaris, P. Visual Persuasion 1997 Sage Publications, Inc English
Meštrović, M. Teorija dizajna i problemi okoline 1980 Naprijed Croatian
Denegri, J. Dizajn i kultura : izbor tekstova 1985 Radionica SIC Serbian language
Baldvin, J., Roberts, L. Visual communication 2006 AVA Academia, Singapore English
Papanek, V. Dizajn za stvarni svijet 1973 Nakladni zapod Marko Marulić, Zagreb Croatian
Armstrong, H. (ed.) Graphic Design Theory : Readings from the Field 2009 Princeton Architectural, New York English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00

prof. dr Nedeljković Uroš

Full Professor

API Image

prof. dr Dedijer Sandra

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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