Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected Chapters in Web Design (17.FDS155)

General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Grafičko inženjerstvo

The aim of the course is to research the current state of affairs in the field of web design and web technologies, as well as anticipating future trends in the field.

Students will gain competence for critical analysis of web applications, as well as for judging the choice of web technologies for concrete solution and their implementation.

Contemporary client front-end web technologies (HTML5, CSS3 / SCSS / Sass, Javascrip / Ajax / Angular). Current state and trends in web design. CSS environments and libraries. Multimedia web content. Graphic elements in web content (SVG, canvas). CSS3 animations and transformations. Web typography. Accessibility of content. Multilingualism and localization of content. HTML5 applications. Content Management Systems (CMS). Optimization for search engines (SEO).

Teaching is done through mentoring, study research and consulting. Study research work includes a detailed overview of current scientific literature in the field of web design and web technologies and writing work in the field of the subject. Mentor's work and consultations include guided training of a student for the setting up and performance of research and presentation of results in the form of work, monitoring progress of the research, as well as constructive analysis of student work.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Stefanov, S. JavaScript Patterns : Build Better Applications with Coding and Design Patterns 2010 OReilly Media, Sebastopol English
DARIE, Cristian et al. AJAX and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications 2006 O Reilly English
POWELL, Thomas The complete reference web design 2003 BRANDON A. NORDIN English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
API Image

Assoc. Prof. Milić Keresteš Neda

Associate Professor

API Image

Prof. Nedeljković Uroš

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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