Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected Chapters in Colour Management (17.FDS141)

Native organizations units: Chair of Graphic Engineering and Design
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Grafičko inženjerstvo
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

The main goal of the course is acquiring specific knowledge in the field of colour management, as well as introducing students to the current state in the field and the tendencies for future development of colour management systems. The applied goals are: teaching students to work independently, as well as to apply acquired knowledge in designing experiments and their successful, methodologically correct implementation, capacitate students to chose correct methods and techniques for solving experimental problems, developing analytical thinking and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in the further professional and scientific work.

Educational outcome:

Students will acquire requisite knowledge from the field of colour management and develop the ability to conduct scientific and research work in the field through the independent study of the scientific sources and the formulation of research problems. In addition, they will develop the ability to analyse research problem, design and conduct experiments by using appropriate methods and techniques. After completing required tasks students will master the ability to critically assess, interpret and present the results of their research, as well as the use of modern tools for performing simulations and analysing experimental results. The obtained knowledge forms a solid base for further scientific and research work in the respective field.

Course content:

Research in the following fields: Current state of ICC colour management and the directions of further development, Advanced work with profiles, Complex colour management workflows, Contemporary methods for characterization of input and output devices (model based and empirical approaches) – characterization based on the principles of artificial inteligence (artificial neural networks), Models of the multi-colour printing systems, Novel screening and black generation methods, Characterization based on spectral data, Multispectral systems, Advanced gamut mapping techniques in colour management systems, Advanced editing, control and implementation of ICC profiles, Advanced colour management for display, input and output devices, Optical brighteners in printing (color reproduction control and colour management for printing substrates containing optical brightners), Advanced colour management in operating systems, applications and internet, The problem of metamerism in colour management and current solutions, Current state in the standardization of colour management procedures.

Teaching methods:

The course is organized in the form of lectures and research work. Lectures cover theoretical part of the course where the characteristic examples are presented by means of contemporary information and communication technologies. In addition, consultations are held on a regular basis. Research work encompass active following and studying of primary scientific sources (journals, monographs and books), reviewing the scientific sources in the field of colour reproduction, conducting simulations and experiments, writing the seminar paper, as well as the scientific paper in the respective research field.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Morovič, J. Color gamut mapping 2008 John Wiley&Sons, Chichester English
Brandt, S. Statistical and computational methods in data analysis 1976 North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam English
Giorgianni, E.J., Madden, T.E. (ed.) Digital Color Management: Encoding Solutions - 2nd. Edition 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Chichester English
Fraser, B., Murphy, C., Bunting, F. Real World Color Management 2005 Peachpit Press, Berkeley English
Fairchild, M.D. Color Appearance Models 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Chichester English
Pantelić, I. Uvod u teoriju inženjerskog eksperimenta 1976 Radnički univerzitet "Radivoj Ćirpanov", Novi Sad Serbian language
Green, P. Color Management: understanding and using ICC profiles 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken English
Westland, S., Ripamonti, C. Computational Colour Science using Matlab 2004 John Wiley, New Jersey English
Ebner, M. Color Constancy 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Chichester English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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prof. dr Dedijer Sandra

Full Professor

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prof. dr Pavlović Živko

Full Professor

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doc. dr Jurič Ivana

Assistant Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Tomić Ivana

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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