Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Ergonomics of graphic products (17.F411I1)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Grafičko inženjerstvo

Educational goal is to familiarize students with ergonomics of graphic products and their development. It aims to enable students for development of ergonomically designed graphic products, through the gathering information about the biomechanical abilities and anthropometric measures, on cognitive psychology and the impact on the proper use of the product. Especially important objective is introduction of students to the methodology and procedures for generating ergonomically shaped graphic products or improving the ergonomics of existing products. Emphasis is on the quality of product use and creating the feeling of comfort for users in their interaction with the graphic product.

After successfully completing the course, the student is able to work on optimization of graphic products ergonomics. They are able to collaborate on the research of the target group and its capabilities and constraints, defining the circumstances and possible influencing factors on the quality of the use of graphic product, and then defining the characteristics of the products that will respond to the set requirements and make it easy to use. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained in this course can be used in professional engagement as well as the base for further education in this field.

Course elements are: Definition and theory of ergonomic design and successful ergonomics design examples. The product development process is dealt with through theoretical and practical work through the practice of applying methods of collecting information on the requirements of users. A creative approach to resolving tasks in the design of an ergonomic graphic product is done by implementation of design principles first theoretically and then through practical work. In solving tasks, students use the principles of the ergonomic design, the principles of universal design and incorporate in order to create a safe, comfortable and efficient product.

Interactive teaching consists of the lectures, practical exercises and computer work. Theory is presented in lectures, supported by the good practice examples for better understanding of the course content. Lecture presentations contain text, images, animation and video material. Practical exercises and computer work are organized to provide practical skills needed for ergonomic design of a graphic product process, considering research, data analysis, modeling and design presentation tools. Apart from lectures and practice, tutorials are regularly held.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Bridger, R. Introduction to Ergonomics 2003 Taylor & Francis Inc, New York, USA English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project task Yes Yes 20.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 20.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Computer excersise defence Yes Yes 20.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
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Prof. Vladić Gojko

Full Professor

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Prof. Nedeljković Uroš

Full Professor


Assistant - Master Bošnjaković Gordana

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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