Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Raster Graphics (17.F214I2)

Native organizations units: Sub-department for Applied Computer Science and Informatics
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Grafičko inženjerstvo

Image processing with the goal of extracting or enhancing information carried by an image is a base for its usage in a reproduction process. In order to adequately comprehend the image processing procedures the goal is to first introduce students with the structure of digital images, processes of image digitization, altering, compression and reproduction, developing further on their ability to critically assess image quality (by means of subjective and objective methods). Therefore, the main goal of the course is to instruct students to detect errors in digital images, as well as to choose and perform adequate operation/technique for their correction. Taking into account the domination of electronic media in publishing, the accent is placed on preparing images for Web environment, by introducing students to the technical requirements necessary for such publications.

Upon successful completion of the course students: understand principles of digitization and interpretation of raster images, recognize the errors introduced by digitization and the procedures for their corrections, are familiar with the methods of image enhancement in spatial domain, are able to assess image quality on the basis of objective parameters and to determine the possibilities for image corrections and usage. Also, students are trained to use software tools necessary for processing of digital images, know the lossy and lossless image compression methods, as well as the requirements for publishing images in Web applications. The gained knowledge forms a solid base for further professional and scientific work in the field of image processing and analysis.

Theoretical part: Basics of digital photography (methods of digitization, sampling and quantization, negative byproducts of digitization, digital image structure, basic relations between pixels), Basics of computer graphics – the framework for raster graphics, Reproduction of digital images (vector image rendering, rendering fonts), Point operators in image enhancement, Local image enhancement, Global image enhancement, Filters for image processing, Image quality metrics (methods for assessing image quality, objective and subjective metrics), Image compression (data redundancy, lossy and lossless compression, application), Raster image file formats, Image reproduction in Web applications and quality demands. Practical part: Introduction to image processing softwares, Determination of the raster images’ basic characteristics (resolution, bit depth, image size etc.) and their influence on image quality, Correction of negative byproducts of digitization, Pixel values and point operators in image enhancement (image statistics, histogram and the operations based on histogram, arithmetic and logic operations), Image quality assessment, Colour images analysis and processing (interpretation of colour images, colour spaces, processing colour images), Spatial filtering, linear and nonlinear filters (noise removal, image derivatives, edge detection, image sharpening), Geometric image transformations (translation, rotation, scaling, interpolation methods for image scaling), Compression algorithms, Preparation of raster images for Web environment.

The course is organized in accordance with the modern didactics resources and methods, interactive in the form of lectures and computer labs. In addition, the consultations are held on a regular basis. Lectures cover theoretical parts of the course, where the presentations consist of both static and dynamic (animated) content. The content of computer labs correspond to the lectures and deepen the practical knowledge of presented topics; students acquire skills necessary for performing image processing tasks in the corresponding softwares. Pre-exam requirements consist of labs and lecture attendance, as well as two computer labs tests that determine the ability to solve practical problems in image processing. If both tests are passed, it is considered that student successfully completed computer labs. The exam consists of written and oral part, where the completed written part is required prior the oral exam.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Lacey, J. The complete guide to digital imaging 2002 Thames and Hudson, London English
Dougherty, E. Electronic Imaging Technology 1999 SPIE, Bellingham English
Gonzalez, R.C., Woods, R.E. Digital Image Processing (3rd Edition) 2008 Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 40.00
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Computer excersise defence Yes Yes 20.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
API Image

Assoc. Prof. Ivana Tomić

Associate Professor

API Image

Assoc. Prof. Magdolna Pal

Associate Professor

API Image

Assoc. Prof. Magdolna Pal

Associate Professor

Computational classes

Teaching Associate Tamara Ilić

Assistant - Master

Computational classes
API Image

Assoc. Prof. Ivana Tomić

Associate Professor

Computational classes
API Image

Assoc. Prof. Ivana Jurič

Associate Professor

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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