Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Optimization Methods in Infrastructure Systems (17.ESI100)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Primenjeno softversko inženjerstvo
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquiring knowledge on problems in numeric analysis and classic optimization problems and knowledge on classic methods for solving them. Familiarizing with the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and possibilities for their application.

Educational outcome:

Recognizing numerical analysis problems, solutions and characteristic types of optimization problems. Knowing classical optimization methods. Making students capable of computing diverse numerical analysis problems and classic optimization problems by applying classic optimization methods.

Course content:

Introduction: fundamentals of numerical analysis; setting and division of optimization problems and methods for their solution; basic steps of optimization problem solutions. Fundamentals of numerical analysis: functions, matrix algebra. System of linear algebraic equations: Theorems, transformations of equivalence; permutation matrices; solving solutions (Gauss's elimination process, triangular decomposition) and optimal equation ordering (Quasi-optimal methods and Tunney optimal schemes). Space matrices techniques: static and dynamic storage schemes. Matrix inversion: classical methods and matrix inversion lemmas. System of nonlinear algebraic equations: iterative solution corrections; bracketing a root and combined methods; basic and modified Newton-Raphson methods; basic and accelerated Gauss-Seidel methods. Regression analysis: random values; data model; correlation; residual; WLS and linear regression. Fundamentals of problem optimization: variables, objective function, constraints, feasible region, direction vector, step size, mathematical model, graphical interpretation, transformation and characteristics. Optimization methods: convex optimization (convex set and function, extreme point, convex problem, optimal conditions, convex programming); linear optimization (standard and canonical forms, Simplex method, Interior-point method, methods with and without calculation of derivatives, network problem, transport problem, assignment problem); nonlinear optimization (necessary and sufficient conditions, methods with and without calculation of derivatives, quadratic programming, Lagrange multipliers method); integer/discrete optimization (linear and nonlinear problems; all-integer, mix integer and 0-1 problems; catting plane methods; branch and bounds methods ); dynamic optimization; multi-objective optimization (Trade-off, Pareto optimization).

Teaching methods:

Lectures; Auditory Practice; Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
B.P.Demidovich, I.A.Maron Computational Mathematics 1973 Mir Publishers, Moscow English
A.D.Belegundu, T.R.Chandrupatla Optimization Concepts and Application in Engineering 2011 Cambridge, Second Edition, University Press, New York, NY, USA English
Levi, V., Bekut, D. Primena računarskih metoda u elektroenergetici 1997 Stylos, Novi Sad Serbian language
S.Boyd, L.Vandenberghe Convex Optimization 2009 Springer, Cambridge Univ. Press, UK English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 50.00
Term paper Yes Yes 40.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
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prof. dr Švenda Goran

Full Professor


prof. dr Ralević Nebojša

Full Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Cvetićanin Stevan

Associate Professor

Practical classes
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Asistent Simić Nikola

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

vanr. prof. dr Popović Željko

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.