Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Cloud computing in infrastructure systems (17.ESI083)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Primenjeno softversko inženjerstvo

The objective of the course is to train students for development and use cloud computing in infrastructure systems. In these systems, the timeliness and safety of the work of the system are of particular importance.

Educational outcomes are the ability of candidates to implement specific Smart Grid components in infrastructure systems. Students will be trained to develop applications for different infrastructure systems.

Development of Cloud applications with a specific focus on components that are of particular interest to infra-structure systems. Study the system for permanent data storage, task allocation by services, and the organization of a specific user interface. The training will include the development of software based services, as well as the procedures and processes used to ensure optimal use of resources to provide non-roaming services to the client. The use in infrastructure system software model. Algorithms overview and data model in infrastructure systems. Numeric calculations in infrastructure systems.

Lectures, consultations. Research study.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Microsoft Power and Utilities Group Smart Energy Reference Architecture 2009 English
A.Murray, T.Grubesic Critical Infrastructure - Reliability and Vulnerability 2007 Springer English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 20.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Test Yes Yes 20.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
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Prof. Vukmirović Srđan

Full Professor

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Prof. Vukmirović Srđan

Full Professor

Computational classes

Asst. Prof. Dalčeković Nikola

Assistant Professor

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Petrović Nikola

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Turudić Slađana

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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