Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Industrial Communication Protocols (17.ESI068)

General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Primenjeno softversko inženjerstvo

The aim of the subject is introduction to industrial communication protocols applied in power grids. Main topics are IEC 60870-5 and DNP3 protocoles.

Capacity to use software systems based on industrial communication protocols applied in power grids. Ability to design and realize simple projects.

Industrial communications and networks, used for process control. Specifics and constrains of use in industrial plants (robustness, determinism, compatibility). Telecommunication technologies (Frame Relay, ADSL, GSM, WiMax). Security and data protection. Standards and protocol specifications. Techniques for separation and replication of SCADA data. Distributed SCADA architecture. Process control protocols (Modbus, Profibus). Smart grid protocols (IEC 60870-5, DNP3). Basics of SCADA integration protocols (OPC, ICCP). The use in infrastructure system software model. Algorithms overview and data model in infrastructure systems. Numeric calculations in infrastructure systems.

Lectures; Computer Practice; Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Tanenbaum, A., Van Steen, M. Distributed systems principles and paradigms 2002 Prentice Hall, New Jersey English
A.Murray, T.Grubesic Critical Infrastructure - Reliability and Vulnerability 2007 Springer English
Tanenbaum, A.S. Computer Networks 1981 Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs English
Popović, M. Communication Protocol Engineering, Second Edition 2018 CRC Press, Boca Raton English
G.Clarke, D.Reynders, E.Wright Practical Modern SCADA Protocols: DNP3, 60870.5 and Related Systems 2004 Elsevier English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Computer excersise defence Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 50.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 35.00
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Asst. Prof. Lukić Nemanja

Assistant Professor


Assistant - Master Vujanić Milica

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Ruvčeski Stefan

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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