Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Dedicated computer systems (17.ESI052)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Applied Computer Science and Informatics

Students learn about the organization of dedicated computer systems and their use. Introducing key technologies and components of modern microcomputers.

Knowledge about basic notions, standards and computer technologies present in the contemporary dedicated systems. Students should develop ability to design and realize simple dedicated computer structures.

Relationship between architecture and organization of computer systems: basic notions and definitions. Instruction code, internal CPU organization. CISC and RISC architectures. Assembly languages. Logical design of CPU. Pipelined and superscalar organization. Multiprocessing and multi-core computing. Memory hierarchy, cache and virtual memory design. Memory paging. Design of simple MIPS CPU, pipelined and non-pipelined. Input/Output subsistem and programming techniques for communication with peripheral devices. System buses: classification and examples. Basic computer peripherals. Communication subsystem: synchronous and asynchronous transmissions, local networks.

Lectures. Tutorials. Computer practice. Consultations. Students attend lectures and computer practice classes. At the end of the semester the acquired practical knowledge is assessed at the regular examination. The examination is taken using computer and suitable literature.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Mano, M. Morris Digital Logic and Computer Design 1979 Englewood Cliffs: Prentice/Hall International, Inc. English
Iliffe, J.K. Advanced Computer Design 1982 Prentice-Hall International English
Gorsline, G.W. Computer Organization: Hardware/Software 1986 London: Prentice-Hall English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 35.00
Test Yes Yes 50.00
Computer excersise defence Yes Yes 10.00
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Assoc. Prof. Selakov Aleksandar

Associate Professor

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Asst. Prof. Lukić Nemanja

Assistant Professor


Assistant - Master Đorđević Filip

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Kovačević Ivana

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Sekulić Jelena

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Čubrić Tanja

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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