Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Micro and nano electronics (17.EM303A)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Electronics

Acquiring basic knowledge in the field of microelectronic technologies, integrated circuit design and characteristic.

- ability to design electrical schemes of simple logical circuits in CMOS technology using Full-custom and Semi-custom method -ability to design masks of simple integrated circuits using CAD software tool

Methods of obtaining massive and thin single crystals. Planar operations in the preparation of Si integrated circuits. Production of Si bipolar integrated circuits. Production of Si unipolar (NMOS, CMOS) integrated circuits. Making the BiCMOS integrated circuits. Full-custom and semi-custom approach to design masks for integrated circuits. Design rules in the Cadance software tool. Designing masks of the basic CMOS logic circuits. The basis of nanotechnology and MEMS technology. Technology for micro sensor, micro machine and micro system production. Thick- and thin-film integrated circuits. Limitations in the design and fabrication of contemporary integrated circuits.

Lectures; Auditory Practice; Computer Practice; Laboratory Practice; Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
N. H. E. Weste, K. Esharaghian Principles of CMOS VLSI Design 2005 Addison-Wisley Pub.Com.Inc. English
Sedra, A. S., Kenneth C. Microelectronic Circuits 2004 Oxford University Press, New York English
Baker, R.J. CMOS circuit design, layout, and simulation 2008 Wiley-IEEE Press, New Jersey English
J. D. Plummer, M. D. Deal and P. B. Griffin Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling 1996 Prentice Hall English
Jogn P. Uyemura Physical Design of CMOS Integrated Circuits Using L-EDIT 1995 PWS Publishing Company English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Coloquium exam No Yes 30.00
Computer excersise defence Yes Yes 10.00
Laboratory exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Coloquium exam No Yes 30.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00

Assoc. Prof. Radić Jelena

Associate Professor


Assistant - Master Zoranović Jovana

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Assistant - Master Nikolić Kristina

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Assistant - Master Zoranović Jovana

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Nikolić Kristina

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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