Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Development Tools for Communications and Signal Processing 2 (17.EK450A)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Telecommunications and Signal Processing

Getting familiar with programming language Java and standard library (Java Class Library - JCL), as well as with their application in implementation of distributed applications and their cryptographic protection.

The student is familiar with basic principles of programming language Java and Java Class Library. Furthermore, the student is capable of implementing various types of applications with focus in distributed applications and strong security protection using Java Cryptography Architecture.

Introduction to programming language Java and differences between programming languages C++ and Java. Description of Java Virtual Machine and Java compiler. Classes, inheritance and polymorphism, exceptions, introduction to generics and Java Class Library with focus on classes supporting file system handling, work with graphical user interface (Swing), network programming (Socket), multi-threading and cryptographic primitives (Java Cryptography Architecture / Java Cryptography Extension).

The course comprises of lectures and computer practice. Basic concepts are presented and explained during lectures using presentation slides. Lectures are continually followed by synchronized computer practice where students gain practical experience in programming and optimizing various algorithms related to communications and digital signal processing . Students have access to the complete course materials using web portal of the Department. Besides lectures and computer practice, consultations are held on regular basis. Acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills are tested in the form of one midterm colloquium and final exam.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
David Hook Beginning Cryptography with Java 2007 Wiley Publishing English
Elliotte Harold Java Network Programming: Developing Networked Applications (9th Edition) 2013 OReilly Media English
Schildt, H. Java : The Complete Reference 1997 McGraw-Hill Education English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 25.00
Final exam - part one No No 25.00
Final exam - part two No No 25.00
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Assoc. Prof. Minja Aleksandar

Associate Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Škorić Tamara

Associate Professor

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Asistent sa doktoratom dr Simić Nikola

Assistant with PhD

Laboratory classes

Assistant - Master Šobot Srđan

Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes

Teaching Associate Jankov Milica

Teaching Associate

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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