Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: English for Information Engineering (17.EJEII)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Anglistika i jezik struke
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Mastering and using the most significant terms related to the profession and major. Developing strategies for understanding the engineering English texts. Enabling students to read and understand original English texts from different sources related to numerous aspects and fields of electrical engineering. Developing oral and written communication related to these topics while using the adequate vocabulary and complex sentence structures.

Educational outcome:

Students know a wide range of vocabulary terms related to the field of study. They can read versatile literature in this field and communicate about those topics in the English language using the terms and sentence structures typical for the language of their future profession.

Course content:

Processing contemporary professional texts in English, related to different aspects in the field of electrical engineering profession. Developing strategies for understanding professional texts such as: skimming, scanning, comparing sources, using context, using background knowledge etc. Mastering the common terms related to the profession and major. Synonyms and antonyms frequent in engineering. Adopting the language functions such as: comparison, classification, expressing purpose or function, describing the constituents, causal connections and such. The most common prefixes, suffixes, compound words and collocations. Passive voice, constructions with participles. Contracted relative clauses (active and passive), contracted time clauses (active and passive).

Teaching methods:

The emphasis is placed on student activities during the class, their interaction with the teacher and between themselves. The communicative approach is used in the lectures. Practice is designed to make it easier to understand the text as well as to practice particular vocabulary and other typical features of the professional language. Some exercises are designed to encourage students to further practice their language skills using the wider knowledge in the field of study through comments and explanations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Eastwood, J. Oxford Practice Grammar - Intermediate 2006 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Gleldinning, E.H., McEwan, J. Oxford English for Electronics 1993 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
različiti autori izbor aktuelnih tekstova iz naučno popularnih časopisa sa interneta 2019 English
Grupa autora Oxford English - Serbian Student Dictionary 2006 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 40.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00

Zivlak Jelena

Nastavnik stranog jezika


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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