Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Power Electronics in Transmission and Distribution Systems (17.EE545)

Native organizations units: Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Energetska elektronika, mašine, pogoni i obnovljivi izvori električne energije

The aim of this course is to give a deeper insight in the operation of power electronics (PE) devices connected to transmission and distribution power systems. Several key challenges are analyzed: the role of power electronics in compensation and voltage stability, interaction and control of PE devices connected to the electrical grid, concepts of HVDC and LVDC. Therefore, students are introduced in main challenges followed by solutions in the form of FACTS devices (SVC, TSC, DVR, STATCOM), multilevel PE converter topologies utilized for grid interface, control strategies from classical cascaded PI control, PLL to P-Resonant, energy storages and finally HVDC and LVDC concepts.

Students who complete the course are able to understand and analyze power electronics systems (FACTS, HVDC, energy storages, its control strategies) and apply these knowledge to improve the operation of distribution and transmission systems.

Challenges in grid connection, Compensation of transmission lines, FACTS devices overview, Grid codes, Converter topologies, Control of Grid-connected converters, P-resonant control, SVC control, STATCOM control, HVDC, LVDC, Energy storage.

Lectures ofer a theoretical framework, mathematical modeling and computer simulation,using modern computer tools.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Amirnaser Yazdani, Reza Iravani VOLTAGE-SOURCED, CONVERTERS IN POWER SYSTEMS, Modeling, Control, and Applications 2010 Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey English
E. Acha, V. Agelidis, O. Anaya-Lara, T. Miller Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systms 2001 Butterworth-Heinemann English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00

Assoc. Prof. Vekić Marko

Associate Professor


Assoc. Prof. Vekić Marko

Associate Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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