Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Modeling of electrical machines (17.EE520A)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Energetska elektronika, mašine, pogoni i obnovljivi izvori električne energije
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Acquisition of knowledge in the field of modelling of stationary and non-stationary condition and occurrences of synchronous, asynchronous and direct current machines.

Educational outcome:

The ability to develop a mathematical model of the synchronous machine suitable for computer aided analysis- the ability to study the stationary condition and non-stationary occurrances of the synchronous machine- the ability to develop a mathematical model for the asynchronous machine suitable for the computer aided analysis- the ability to study the stationary condition and non-stationary occurrances of the asynchronous machine- the ability to develop a mathematical model for the direct current machine suitable for computer analysis- the ability to study the stationary condition and non-stationary occurrances of direct current machines.

Course content:

Introduction. The basic mathematical model for the electrical machines. Parameters for electrical machines. Transformations of the original mathematical model for machines (C,F,H,G,D,B,E and T). Electrical machine types. Park’s equations. Operation inductions (reaction) and the time constant of the synchronous machine. Stationary and quasi-stationary condition of the synchronous machine. Stationary condition of the asynchronous machine- the equivalent scheme. Simulation of the asynchronous machine supply. Models of asynchronous machines for method of field orientation control; electricity and voltage supply; rotor flux orientation; the analogy with the direct current machine. The model of the synchronous machine for field orientation control. Simulation of non-stationary processes in direct current machines. Non-stationary processes in synchronous machines. The synchronous machine model. A three-phase short circuit of the synchronous generator. The asynchronous operation of the synchronous machine. The non-stationary condition of the asynchronous machine. The physical explanation of the motor starting process. The analysis of the asynchronous machine starting in real environment.

Teaching methods:

Classes are carried out either as lectures or as exercise classes. The lectures use modern illustrations for the intuitive understanding of the subject matter. For the full understanding of the subject matter, the auditory exercises supply examples that accompany the lectures and encourage the students to independently solve engineering problems. A part of the exercise work is carried out in the computer laboratory.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Popović, D., i dr. Modelovanje u elektroenergetici 2011 DMS grupa, Novi Sad Serbian language
L. Ćalasan, M.Petkovska MATLAB i dodatni moduli Control System Toolbox i Simulink 1995 Mikro knjiga, Beograd Serbian language
Vučković, V. Opšta teorija električnih mašina 2009 Nauka, Beograd Serbian language
Ion Boldea, S.A.Nasar Electric drives 1999 CRC Press, New York English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Coloquium exam No Yes 35.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 35.00
Homework Yes Yes 20.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00

doc. dr Popadić Bane

Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes

vanr. prof. dr Vekić Marko

Associate Professor

Practical classes

doc. dr Popadić Bane

Assistant Professor

Practical classes
API Image

prof. dr Dumnić Boris

Full Professor

API Image

prof. dr Dumnić Boris

Full Professor

Laboratory classes

doc. Vukajlović Nikola

Assistant Professor

Practical classes

prof. dr Vasić Veran

Full Professor


Asistent Vojvodić Stefan

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Phone:  (+381) 21 450 810
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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.