Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Power Quality (17.EE406)

Native organizations units: Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Energetska elektronika, mašine, pogoni i obnovljivi izvori električne energije

The course has an aim to introduce students to contemporary problems of power quality, which in the modern electric power market conditions become one of the benchmarks of power electronics circuit. The aim is to enable students to understand, analyze, design, and explores a wide range of power quality problems, especially the appearance of higher harmonics, rapid voltage variations (dips, short disappearance, jumps, etc.)., Flickers and faulty grounding, and to create and apply modern standards, recommendations and other technical literature, and to plan and implements complex measuring quality parameters in the laboratory or facility.

Students will be educated to understand, analyze, design, and explores a wide range of power quality problems, to create and apply modern standards, recommendations and other technical literature, and to plan and implement complex power quality parameters monitoring & measurements in the laboratory or in the field.

Introduction: The concept and basic definitions, systematization. Mathematical background: Fourier transform, Nyquist frequency, aliasing, choice of window functions. Sources of power quality degradion: Power converters - rectifiers, inverters, choppers, voltage regulators, faults in power systems, operation of the automatic reclosing units (APU), effects of atmospheric discharges, electric arc furnaces and nonlinear characteristics of electric machines and transformers, industry - large drives start-up, compensation, resonance, etc. The effects of degraded power quality: resonance in the network, influence on telecommunication signals, effects on measurements accuracy, effects on the control circuits, influence on sensitive electronic and microprocessor devices operation (computers, electronic scales, etc..). Effects on electrical machines, cables etc. Impact on the operation of the factory drives and examples from practice. Power quality monitoring: Measurement systems and equipment, strategies and methods of measurement, analysis and presentation of measurement results. Methods fof improving the quality: standards and recommendations, harmonic filters, active filters,uninterable power systems, static compensators. Settings of the power quality.

A method of theoretical problems presentation, mathematical modeling, solving tasks with real situations and settings, as well as laboratory measurements and the application of new tools and software will be applied.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Dugan, R.C. et al. Electrical power systems quality 2003 McGraw-Hill, New York English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Laboratory exercise attendance Yes Yes 2.50
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 2.50
Test Yes Yes 15.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 30.00
Project task Yes Yes 40.00
Laboratory exercise defence Yes Yes 10.00

Assoc. Prof. Vekić Marko

Associate Professor

API Image

Assoc. Prof. Čorba Zoltan

Associate Professor


Assistant - Master Jarić Milica

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Assistant - Master Vojvodić Stefan

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Assoc. Prof. Vekić Marko

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes
API Image

Assoc. Prof. Čorba Zoltan

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes

Assistant - Master Jarić Milica

Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes

Assistant - Master Vojvodić Stefan

Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.