Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Advanced information system architectures (17.E2KP01)

General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Applied Computer Science and Informatics

Students gain advanced knowledge and specific skills for understanding, designing and development of contemporary information systems architectures and big data management systems. Understanding the importance of system architecture in the information system development process.

Students gain advanced technological knowledge and specific skills to be more competent in designing multi-layered architectures of information systems and big data management systems.

Methods, algorithms and techniques for managing big data. Functionality and characteristics of NoSQL database management systems. NoSQL database management system paradigms, concepts, languages and mechanisms. Techniques for coupling NoSQL and relational databases. Multi-layered architectures of web-based information system applications. Functional layers of contemporary web applications. Organization of the middle layer of a web-based application and coupling with NoSQL and relational databases. Data serialization formats with an example of the JSON format. Implementation of interoperability (REST) services in the development of information system applications. A generative approach to the development of the middle layer of web-based information system applications. Presentation layer and the application visualization for different technology platforms.

Teaching is performed through lessons, oral and computer exercises (in the computer classroom), as well as consultations. Through the teaching process, students are constantly motivated to an intensive discussion, problem oriented reasoning, independent study work and active participation in the whole lecturing process. The prerequisite to enter final exam is to complete all the pre-exam assignments by earning at least 30 points.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
P. J. Sadalage and M. Fowler NoSQL distilled: a brief guide to the emerging world of polyglot persistence 2012 Pearson Education English
F. Gutierrez Pro Spring Boot, 1st ed. 2016 New York, NY, USA: Apress English
C. Bauer, G. King, and G. Gregory Java Persistence with Hibernate, 2nd ed. 2015 English
Taylor, R. N., Medvidovic N., Dashofy N. Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory, and Practice 2010 John Wiley&Sons English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Complex exercises Yes Yes 20.00
Project task Yes Yes 10.00
Final exam defence No Yes 50.00
Complex exercises Yes Yes 10.00
Project task Yes Yes 10.00

Assoc. Prof. Kordić Slavica

Associate Professor


Assistant - Master Jovanović Vladimir

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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