Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Game Engine Architecture (17.E2504)

General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Applied Computer Science and Informatics

Mastering the basic knowledge in the field of computer game technologies, architecture and implementation of game engine.

Competence for low-level use of commercial game engines (Unity, UnrealEngine) and development of own game engine.

Conceptual architecture with parallels to commercial game engines, real-time rendering subsystem (scene graph, inside and outside scene rendering, character animation, shading, synchronization), physics subsystem (body: mass, center, inertia; kinetics and kinematics; theory collisions and momentum maintenance; interaction between objects), sound, interaction with the user, tactics, gameplay support.

Teaching is conducted interactively in the form of lectures and computer exercises. In the lectures, the theoretical part of the material is presented accompanied by characteristic examples for easier understanding of the material. In the computer exercises, the skills in the observed area are mastered using computer equipment and specialized software systems. In addition to lectures and exercises, consultations and group work of students are also held regularly.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
David N. Eberly 3D Game Engine Design 2007 Elsevier Inc. English
Jason Gregory Game Engine Architecture, 3rd Ed. 2018 A K Peters/CRC Press English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Prezentacija 1 Yes Yes 10.00
Završni ispit No Yes 30.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Prezentacija 2 Yes Yes 10.00

Prof. Ivetić Dragan

Full Professor


Assistant - Master Bursać Vasilije

Assistant - Master

DON - drugi oblici nastave

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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