
Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Real time control algorithms (17.E2316)

Native organizations units: Sub-department for Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Automatic Control and System Engineering

Mastering theoretical and practical principles of real-time control systems. Enabling students to be able by themselves to design and implement software solutions for particular group of real time systems, and furthermore to be able to design and realize software designed instruments.

The students will learn the basics of design and implementation of real-time control systems. Using the obtained knowledge, the students will be able to access the relative difficulty of practical control problems, to access resources needed for the implementation, to design control algorithm, to find critical points and implement the design solution. The students will also be able to test and verify the obtained design. Likewise, by completion of course students are supposed to be able on their own to design and implement particular software designed instruments.

Basics of real-time control. Basics of digital control systems. Hardware architecture of real-time systems. Real-time operating systems. Programming languages for real-time systems. Real-time control algorithms. Implementation of digital regulators. Parameter estimation. Real-time simulation (HIL, Hardware in the Loop simulation). Application of optimization methods in real-time control. Communication between different hardware real-time platforms. Communication protocols. State machines. Design patterns in real-time control systems programming. Data encapsulation in real-time control systems.

Lectures. Computational assignments. Laboratory assignments. Consultations. The final mark is obtained on the basis of theoretical tests (2 tests in total), the laboratory assignments and project implementation.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Thomas J. Bress Effective LabVIEW Programming 2013 National Technology and Science Press English
Boris Jakovljević, Stefana Jocić, Milica Janković, Marko Barjaktarović, Kosta Jovanović, Nikola Knežević, Živko Kokolanski, Bodan Velkovski, Tomislav Novak, Ivan Lujo, Angelika Tefelska, Dariusz Tefelski Control, virtual instrumentation and signal processing use cases practicum 2019 Fakultet tehničkih nauka English
Phillip A. Laplante , Seppo J. Ovaska Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis: Tools for the Practitioner 2012 Wiley-IEEE Press English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Homework Yes Yes 10.00
Project defence Yes Yes 40.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 30.00
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Prof. Željko Kanović

Full Professor


Assistant - Master Jovana Arsenović

Assistant - Master

Practical classes

Assistant - Master Dragan Zarić

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Assistant - Master Mihailo Gluhović

Assistant - Master

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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