Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Practicum: ?ngineering Tools in Electronics (17.E139C)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Electronics

Introducing students to specific application of modern software packages in electronics.

- the ability to analyze simple electronic circuit using the software package Matlab - the ability to simulate analog and digital electronic circuits using the modern software packages

Introducion to Matlab software package. Analysis of the operation of simple electric circuits usingMatlab software package. Simulating the operation of simple analog circuits, such as inverting, non-inverting amplifiers based on operational amplifiers. Application: DC analysis, transient analysis, AC analysis and other analyzes for the simulation of analogue electronic circuits. Simulation of digital electronic circuits. Transient analysis of combining networks and sequential networks.

Computer Practice. Consultations.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 45.00
Final exam - part one No Yes 50.00
Laboratory exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
API Image

Prof. Damnjanović Mirjana

Full Professor

Laboratory classes

Assoc. Prof. Brkić Miodrag

Associate Professor

Laboratory classes

Assistant - Master Nikolić Kristina

Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes

Assistant - Master Tešović Dragana

Assistant - Master

Laboratory classes

Teaching Associate Pavlović Kosana

Teaching Associate

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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