Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected chapters from program support in television (17.DRT04A)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Computer Engineering and Computer Communication

Mastering the content in the field of software for digital TV and image processing

The competence to critically analyze the existing solutions and synthesize the original solutions in the field of software design for digital TV and image processing.

Overview of architectures modern digital TV receivers . Overview of modern software architecture and technologies used in software design of TV receivers. Overview of modern test and validation environments. Identifying possible directions for further research. Defining the theme and the task. Realization. Experiments. Paper elaboration. Review and paper defense. Publishing the paper.

Lectures are elaborated through the introduction into current and possible new directions in research in introductory lectures, followed by the selection of the theme and formulation of the task in cooperation with the supervisor, the elaboration of a simulator, laboratory models and solution prototypes in the laboratory, a series of laboratory experiments with the task of gathering necessary data, paper elaboration, and the review by the lecturer.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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Prof. Bjelica Milan

Full Professor

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Prof. Teslić Nikola

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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