Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Statistical physics (17.DOM83)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Physics
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Deeper understanding of application of statistical physics in mathematics and technique.

Educational outcome:

Students are capable to solve serious problems that involve application of statistical physics in mathematics and technique.

Course content:

Random walks: diffusion, current and external forces, solving the diffusion equation. Photon diffusion in the Sun and molecular motors. Temperature and equilibrium. Microcanonical ensamble. Dynamics of phase space. Liouville’s theorem. Entropy as irreversibility. Entropy as disorder. Entropy as ignorance: information and memory. Reversible computations and black hole thermodynamics. Free energy. Canonical ensamble. Uncoupled systems and canonical ensamles. Grand canonical ensamble. Quantum statistical mechanics. Mixed states and density matrix. Quantum harmonic oscillator. Bose and Fermi statistics. Non-interacting bosons and fermions. Maxwell-Boltzman quantum statistics. Black body radiation and Bose condensation. Metals and the Fermi gas. The Ising model. Magnetism, binary alloys, liquids, gases and critical point. Markov chains. Order parameters, broken symetry and toplology. Correlation, response and dissipation. Microwave background radiation. Molecular dynamycs. Damped oscillator. Spin. Abrupt phase transition. Stable and metastable phases. Continuous phase transitions.

Teaching methods:

Lectures. Consultations. Theoretical part of the material is being presented on the lectures, accompanied by appropriate characteristic examples of the application of physical principles in mathematics and technique.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
James P. Sethna Statistical mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity 2008 Clarendon Press, Oxford English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 30.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
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vanr. prof. dr Nemeš Tomas

Associate Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Nemeš Tomas

Associate Professor

Study research work

prof. dr Budinski-Petković Ljuba

Full Professor


prof. dr Budinski-Petković Ljuba

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.