Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Dynamical systems in the light of linear algebra 1 (17.DOM61)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Teorijska i primenjena matematika

To enable students to think abstractly and to apply knowledge acquired in linear algebra.

Student is competent to use mathematical models and methods of linear algebra in practical work and further education.

Dynamical system. Trajectories. Equilibrium state. Linear and nonlinear dynamical systems. Continual and discrete dynamical systems. Dynamical systems invariant in time. Stability. Reactivity. Spectrum of a matrix. Localization of spectrum. Matrix measures. Applications in engineering.

Lectures. Consultations. Lectures are organized in combined form. The presentation of the theoretical part is followed by the corresponding examples which contribute to better understanding of the theoretical part. In addition to lectures there are regular consultations. Through research and study work the student will, on the bases of scientific journals and other relevant literature that has been studied independently, develop further understanding of the material covered in lectures. Working with the course teacher the student develops the ability to independently work on a scientific paper.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
R.A. Horn and Charles R. Johnson Matrix Analysis 1999 Cambridge University Press English
R. S. Varga Geršgorin and His Circles 2004 Springer English
S.K. Godunov Modern Aspects of Linear Algebra. Translations of Mathematical Monographs 1997 American Mathematical Society English
D. Hinrichsen, A.J. Pritchard Mathematical Systems Theory I. Modelling, State Space Analysis, Stability and Robustness 2005 Springer English
Y. Saad Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems 2003 SIAM English
A.M. Stuart, A.R. Humphries Dynamical Systems and Numerical Analysis, Cambridge Mongraphs on Applied and Computational Mathematics 1998 Cambridge University Press English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 30.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 70.00

Assoc. Prof. Nedović Maja

Associate Professor


Assoc. Prof. Nedović Maja

Associate Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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