Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected topics on agricultural mechanization (17.DM535)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Biosystems Engineering
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

To acquire knowledge about the procedures and machines for advanced agricultural production.

Educational outcome:

Knowledge on modern methods of applying agricultural machinery, as well as design, construction and production of agricultural machinery.

Course content:

Introduction, overview of machines and devices in agriculture, specific characteristics of agriculture in our country. Procures for conquering a product, development of structure, calculation of costs, choice of a solution, improvement of a solution. Transport in agriculture. Procedures, machines and equipment for production of medicinal plants, development of mechanization for special types of plant species. Procedures and equipment fro conservation, drying and storage. After harvest procedures, machines and equipment.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, study research work and consultations. The lectures provide a theoretical part of the material using modern equipment and information and communication technologies. Through lectures, a student acquires and mastered contemporary scientific knowledge, scientific methods and procedures that enable him to become independent research work. In addition to lectures, consultations are also held regularly. Study research work includes all forms of teaching that are in the function of directly training a student for research, writing scientific papers and making a doctoral dissertation. Study research work includes active monitoring of primary scientific sources and experimental research.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Paul McNulty, Patrick M. Grace Agricultural Mechanization and Automation 2009 EOLSS Publications English
Martinov M. Predloške za nastavu iz Odabranih poglavlja iz poljoprivrednih mašina 2016 Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 50.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
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doc. Višković Miodrag

Assistant Professor

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doc. Višković Miodrag

Assistant Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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