Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Contemporary Energy Technologies (17.DM218)

Native organizations units: Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Chair of Thermal Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Termotehnika, termoenergetika i upravljanje energijom
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Enabling students for: independent research of contemporary energy technologies, mastering of general, national and other interests and significance of their application in industry and building. This is specially emphasises from the point of view of energy efficiency, supply security, ecological, economical and social conditions.

Educational outcome:

Mastering knowledge and contemporary energy technologies will enable students to understand implementation of contemporary energy technologies in industry and buildings with the aim to reduce total energy costs, better perserve environment and total prosperity for final energy user.

Course content:

Subject structure enables study of contemporary energy technologies for energy transformation of primeral energy into thermal energy, simultaneous production of thermal and electrical energy, contemporary energy technologies for energy storing with the aim to increase energy efficiency and reducing energy costs.

Teaching methods:

Lectures, independent study and research work, consultations. Lectures are held in combined way. Theoretical part is presented in lectures and it is followed by appropriate exampled contributing easier understanding of the subject content. Students expand knowledge through study and research work, studying of scientific journals and other literature. In cooperation with professor, student is enabled or independently write scientific papers.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
CHP Club The Managers Guide to Combined Heat and Power Systems 2005 SMEITS, Beograd English
Paul Breeze Power Generation Technologies 2006 Elsevier, Burlington English
Raya A. K., Sriastava A. P., Dwivedi M. Power Plan Engineering 2006 New Age Intrenatinal Publischers, Delhi English
Martin Pehtn, Martin Cames, Corinna Fischer, Barbara Praetorius, Lambert Sneider, Katja Shumacher, Jan Peter Voss Micro Cogeneration towards Decentralized Energy Systems 2006 Springer Serbian language
European Comission Integrated Pollution Prevent and Control -- EU English
- A market assessment, Prepared for: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - U.S Department fo Energy Washington English
Griffits, R. T. Combined Heat and Power 1995 Energy Publications, Cambridge English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Oral part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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prof. dr Đaković Damir

Full Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Kljajić Miroslav

Associate Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Kljajić Miroslav

Associate Professor

Study research work
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prof. dr Đaković Damir

Full Professor

Study research work

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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