Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Doctoral Thesis - Realization and Defence of Thesis (17.DGIR3)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Geoinformatika
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

By creating a doctoral dissertation, students gain experience in creative work, writing works within which they need to be described the problems, the methods and procedures that have been made, as well as the new scientific contribution to the development of science and the application of its scientific research into practice. In addition, the aim of the PhD dissertation is to develop the ability of students to achieve the results of an independent the preparation work in a suitable form is publicly presented, as well as to respond to comments and questions related to the topic.

Educational outcome:

Allowing students to independently apply previously acquired knowledge from different areas they have previously studied to look at the structure of the problem and his systematic analysis in order to draw conclusions about the possible directions of his solution. Through self-use literature, students expand knowledge from the chosen area and studying different methods and papers related to similar issues. In this way, students develop the ability to conduct analyzes and identify them problems within a given topic. Practical application of acquired knowledge from different fields in students develops the ability to see the place and role of engineers in the chosen area, the need for co-operation with other teams and team work.

Course content:

The student prepares and defends the written doctoral dissertation publicly in consultation with the mentor and in accordance with the rules and procedures envisaged.

Teaching methods:

The student writes the doctoral dissertation and, after obtaining the approval from the evaluation and defense committee, submits the embedded examples to the commission. The defense of the doctoral dissertation is public and the student is obliged to answer the questions and observations after oral presentation

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
razliciti autori Monografije i naucni radovi 2019
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
PhD thesis defence No Yes 50.00
Writing the PhD thesis No Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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