Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Doctoral Dissertation (Theoretical Bases) (17.DGI11)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Geoinformatika
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Application of basic, theoretical methodological, scientific-professional and professional applied knowledge, methods and methods latest knowledge from the Journal with SCI lists on solving concrete problems within doctoral studies.

Educational outcome:

Training students to independently link matter from doctoral study subjects, apply previously acquired new knowledge, in order to examine the structure of the given problem and its systemic analysis in the goal making conclusions about the possible the directions of his resolution. Through self-use of literature, students expand knowledge and skills using new methods independently and creatively they use new knowledge in solving the given problems.

Course content:

It is formed individually in accordance with the needs of further work. The student studies the professional literature, performs analyzes in order to find the solution concrete tasks which is defined by the set task of the commentaries and the teachers of doctoral studies. The field of interest should cover at least three teaching subjects from the study program. Theoretical backgrounds represent a qualification exam. Students are preparing for laying qualification exam.

Teaching methods:

The Student Advisor compiles the task of seminar work and delivers it to the student. The student is obliged to work within the given theme defined by the task of work, using the literature proposed by the advisor. During the work, the counselor may give additional instructions to the student, refer to specific literature and further direct it to the goal making quality work. The field of interest should cover at least three courses from the study program. Within the framework of the study research work, the student conducts consultations with the counselor and now the subject teachers. It is also necessary with other teachers dealing with problems in the field of the topic of work itself. Within the given topic,If necessary, the student performs certain measurements, tests, counts, surveys and other research, statistical data processing, if this is foreseen task of work. By defending the work itself, the candidate passes an oral exam in the field of passed exams, before the commission. If she passes the exam, the student qualifies for further studies.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Doktorska disertacija-teorijske osnove Monografije, publikacije i naucni radovi 2015 English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 70.00
Writing the PhD thesis No Yes 30.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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