Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Selected chapters of Modern cartography (17.DGI005)

Native organizations units: Sub-department for Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Geoinformatika

Acquiring new and applied knowledge in the field of Cartography, Geoinformatics and Web Cartography. The aim of this course is to deepen and integrate knowledge in the field of Cartography and Geoinformatics, to enable students to understand and apply modern methods of analysis and cartographic visualisation.

The acquired knowledge is used in professional subjects, in the formulation and in solving cartographic and other geoinformatic problems.

Infrastructure of geospatial data. ISO standards. Interoperability and interoperability requirements. Database Modeling and UML. Design of cartographic products. Model and cartographic generalization. Cartographic information systems and the Internet. Formatting of Internet cards: resolution, colors, text and symbols, formats, file size and loading time. Animation in cartography. Visualization of geo-data. Criteria for estimation of projection quality. Best and ideal cartographic projections.

Lectures. Consultations. Internet. Research and study work. Projected task.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Zeiler, M. Modeling Our World: The ESRI Guideto Geodatabase Design. Second Ed. 2010 ESRI Press, Redlands, USA English
Tyner, Judith Principles of Map Design 2010 Guilford Press, New York, USA English
Kraak, M. J., & Ormeling, F. Cartography: Visualization of Spatial Data 2011 Guilford Press, New York, USA English
MacEachren, A. M., & Taylor, D. R. F. (Eds.) Visualization in Modern Cartography 2013 Elsevier English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 50.00
Project task Yes Yes 30.00
Project defence Yes Yes 20.00

Prof. Sladić Dubravka

Full Professor

API Image

Prof. Govedarica Miro

Full Professor


Assoc. Prof. Radulović Aleksandra

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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