Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Operation Planning and Optimization in Power Systems (17.DE307)

Native organizations units: Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Electroenergetics

The main course objective is acquiring higher level of knowledge on advanced functionalities, algorithms for their definitions, mathematical solution procedures and application of individual functions in power system planning and operation. Also, the objective is preparing for performing the higher level of operations (defining functionality, creating algorithms and others) in teams for development of system management in production-transmission networks.

At the end of the course, students will be able to: - Using the advanced power analytical functions of power system planning and operation, inside Energy Management System. - Determine the basic solution methodologies for different power analytical functions and their improvements. - Use software packages for optimization and simulation of dispatching management in real-world power systems. - Lead the development of the new power analytical functions inside Energy Management System.

Application of sensitivity analysis in power system planning and operation {[1, Section 3], [4, Section 11], and [7, Section 6]}. Economic dispatch with security constraints [1, Section 5]. Economic dispatch in power systems with several control areas [1, Section 6]. Unit commitment {[1, Section 7], [3, Section 7], and [8, Section 12]}. Optimal power flow {[1, Section 8], [3, Section 3], [4, Section 13], [5, Section 4.7/8.4] and [8, Section 11]}. Security regions of power systems in steady-state conditions [1, Section 9]. Reactive power optimization [1, Section 10]. Optimal load shedding [1, Section 11]. Treatment of uncertainty in power systems [1, Section 12]. Production capacities planning in deregulated power market {[9] and [11, Section 5]}. Transmission network planning in deregulated power market {[9] and [11, Section 6]}. Influence of ecology to power system planning [11, Section 7]}. Part of the course is conducted through individual research and study work in the field of decision-making and optimization. Study and research work includes active following of the primary scientific sources, organization and carrying out of experiment and statistical data processing, numeric simulations, scientific paper writing in the field of the doctoral thesis.

Lectures. Consultation. Study research.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
A. Mazer Electric Power Planning for Regulated and Deregulated Markets 2007 IEEE Press, Hoboken, NJ, USA English
N.S.Rau Optimization Principles: Practical Applications to the Operation and Markets of the Electric Power Industry 2003 Wiley, New-York, NY, USA English
A. Debs Modern Power Systems Control and Operation 1996 DSI, Atlanta, GA, USA English
Momoh, J.A. Electric Power System Applications of Optimization 2005 Marcel Dekker, New York English
C.M. O’Sullivan Leading Edge Electric Power Research 2008 Nova Science Publishers, New-York, NY, USA English
Wood, A.J., Wollenberg, B.F. Power Generation, Operation and Control 1996 John Wiley, New York English
2. E. Acha etc FACTS – Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks 2004 Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA English
N. S. Rau Optimization Principles: Practical Applications to the Operation and Markets of the Electric Power Industry 2003 Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, NJ, USA English
J. Zhu Optimization of Power System Operation 2009 IEEE and Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 50.00
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Assoc. Prof. Selakov Aleksandar

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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