Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Modeling and simulation of biophysical processes at cellular level (17.DBMI7)

Native organizations units: No data
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Biomedicinsko inženjerstvo
Interdisciplinary Yes
Educational goal:

The aim of the course is to present the modeling and simulation of biophysical processes as an attractive and highly multidisciplinary field of particular importance in biomedical engineering. Students should be familiar with the current models of key biophysical processes at the cellular level, principles of development of new models and techniques of numerical implementation of the model for performing a number of in silico experiments in order to obtain the results of the impact of certain effects on the processes in the human body. Training students for scientific and research work in the field of modeling and simulation of biophysical processes.

Educational outcome:

Basic theoretical and applied knowledge necessary for work and communication in a multidisciplinary team of engineers, physicists, biologists and doctors. Capability to develop a new or improve the present biophysical models, as well as the implementation of the model using numerical models for performing in silico experiments. The ability of students to analyze the obtained simulation results and make conclusions about the impact of certain effects on key processes in the human organism. Student will be qualified for independent research in the field of modeling and simulation of biophysical processes at cellular level.

Course content:

Modeling and simulation of biophysical processes at the molecular, sub–cellular and cellular levels. Specific biophysical processes that will be studied are the following: interactions between ions and cytoskeleton protein structures (microtubules and actin filaments), ionic conductivity of cytoskeletal structures and ionic currents in cells, electron transfer in DNA, electron flow through proteins, diffusion and transport across cell membrane and membrane potential, excitation and propagation of nerve signals, action potential in neurons, transport of biological macromolecules inside and through cell membrane, dynamics of cytoskeletal motor proteins and signaling mechanisms within the cell, electrodynamic interactions between cancer and healthy cells, cancer growth, drug diffusion and targeted drug delivery strategies. Using commercially available software packages for numerical simulations (Matlab or another high–level programming language). Part of the course takes place through individual study and research work in the field of modeling and simulation of biophysical processes. The study and research work is based on active study of primary scientific sources, establishing new or improving present biophysical models, numerical simulations and performing a number of in silico experiments, as well as writing a paper in the narrow scientific field within the topic of the doctoral dissertation.

Teaching methods:

Lectures. Consultations. Review of scientific papers in field. Study and research work.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Jaakko Malmivuo, Robert Plonsey Bioelectromagnetism: Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields 2010 Oxford University Press English
Christof Koch, Idan Segev Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Ions to Networks 2000 MIT Press English
Jack A. Tuszynski, Michal Kurzynski Introduction to Molecular Biophysics 2012 CRC Press English
Dominik Wodarz. Natalia L. Kolmarova Dynamics of Cancer: Mathematical Foundations of Oncology 2014 World Scientific Publishing English
Jack A. Tuszynski Molecular and Cellular Biophysics 2007 Chapman and Hall/CRC English
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 50.00
Project Yes Yes 40.00
Project defence Yes Yes 10.00

vanr. prof. dr Sekulić Dalibor

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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