Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Preparation and Defence of Master Thesis (17.BMIZMR)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field
  • Automatic Control and System Engineering
  • Materijali i tehnologije spajanja
  • Electronics
  • Električna merenja, metrologija i biomedicina
  • Tehnologije plastičnog deformisanja, aditivne i virtuelne tehnologije
  • Metrology, Quality, Fixtures and Ecological-Engineering Aspects
  • Telecommunications and Signal Processing
  • Interna medicina (Nefrologija i klinička imunologija)
  • Mašine alatke, tehnološki sistemi i automatizacija postupaka projektovanja
  • Biomedicinsko inženjerstvo

The objective of the preparation and defense of the master thesis is that student shows independent and creative approach in the application of the practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of biomedical engineering. Student will be able to follow the literature and do research work.

By completing and defending a master thesis the students who have graduated from this programme should be competent to solve real life practical problems as well as to continue education if they choose to do so. A student with a master`s degree acquires knowledge in the field of biomedical engineering and is able to solve concrete problems using scientific methods and procedures. The students are able to suitably write and present the results of their work. The students completing this level of studies have the competence for studying and applying the new developments in the professional field as well as cooperation with local social and international environment.

Biomedical engineering. Signals, systems and control in biomedical systems. Biomechanics. Applied computer engineering. Medical electronics. Medical application of robotics.

Mentor of the master defines a topic with the tasks to develop a master thesis. A candidate works independently in consultation with the supervisor on the problem given. After the completion of the paper and the supervisors approval the candidate defences the thesis before a committee of at least three members of which at least one must be from a different faculty.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Master thesis defence No Yes 50.00
Writing the master thesis Yes Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.