Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Principles of Genomics (17.BMIM7)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field
  • Automatic Control and System Engineering
  • Genetika

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the mechanisms of genetic information transmission at the cellular and organism levels, functional and structural organization of the human genome, and cutting-edge technologies in human genome characterization.

After successful fulfillment of pre-exam and exam obligations, a student can: understand the principles of genetic information transmission, use available online tools and databases on function and structure of the human genome, and apply appropriate methods in the analyses of human genome variability.

Theoretical instruction Genome organization in Eukaryotes. Genetic information transmission at intra and intercellular level. Replication, transcription and translation. Regulation of gene expression. Cell division and gametogenesis. Mendel’s laws. Structure and function of human genome. Human Genome project. Genomics and transcriptomics. Monoallelic expression. Genomic imprinting. Mutations, pathogenesis and clinical manifestation of disease. Sex chromatin and dosage compensation. Functional genomics. Functional analyses of genes. DNA polymorphisms. Genotyping methods. Genetics and genomics of cancer. Practical laboratory The central dogma of molecular biology – transmission of genetic information from genes to protein – problem solving activities. DNA polymorphisms and usage of molecular markers in the analyses of hereditary diseases in human population. Use of online internet tools and databases on polymorphims in human popuation (dbSNP, dbVar), as well as its association with clinical manifestations (ClinVar). Exploration and analysis of human genome maps, localization of genes and polymorphisms of interest (MapViewer).

Lectures, practical lectures, computer labs

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Stachan T, Read AP Human Molecular Genetics 4 2011 Garland Publishing UK English
Griffiths AJF, Wessler SR, Lewontin RC, Gelbart WM, Suzuki DT, Miller JH. Introduction to Genetic Analysis 2005 W.H. Freeman and Co. English
Barnes M.R., Gray I.C. Bioinformatics for geneticists 2003 John Willey & Sons Ltd. UK English
Gibson G., Spencer M.V. A Primer of Genome Science 2004 Sinauer Associates Inc. Publ. USA English
Brown T. Genomes 2002 Oxford: Wiley-Liss English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project task Yes Yes 40.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 60.00

Prof. Ilić Vojin

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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