Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Biomedical signals processing and analysis (17.BMI123)

Native organizations units: Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Telecommunications and Signal Processing
Interdisciplinary No
Educational goal:

Introduction of advanced biomedical signal processing methods adapted to high demands in practice, considering the limitations of signal processing methods and ways of overcoming them, learning about time-frequency analysis methods and multiresolution analysis with applications to one-dimensional signals

Educational outcome:

Analysis of correlated processes and specific processing methods; power spectral density estimation; adjustment of processing methods for the analysis of non-stationary signals, types of time-frequency analysis, wavelets transformation, feature selection principles and relevant classification methods in diagnostic decision making

Course content:

Analysis of coupled and correlated physiological processes, examples of coupled processes and interactions between systems - Signal characterization in the frequency domain: estimation of power spectral density (PSD) (parametric and non-parametric methods, the use of window functions, resolution and spectral leakage), measures that can be derived from the spectral density: relation of power, moments. Illustrative examples of application of the methods in the frequency domain - Specific analysis of non-stationary signal illustration of the examples of non-stationary biomedical signals, the use of time-frekvecnisjkih methods and specific, signal segmentation for further analysis, adaptive filters - Time-frequency methods, Multiresolution analysis, wavelets transform and discrete filter banks, the application of one-dimensional biomedical signals - The application of pattern recognition in the diagnostic decision-making, application examples and unsupervised classification methods, selecting relevant features with respect to the physiological background, the measures of diagnostics accuracy and reliability of the classifier

Teaching methods:

Lectures, laboratory analysis using the signals from patients and laboratory animals, obtained by courtesy of various research institutions from Belgrade; visit to hospital and cardiovascular laboratory to observe 1D signal acquisition, and to Imaging center to observe CT, PET, NMR.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
BAJIĆ, D. Električna i elektronska kola, uređaji i merni instrumenti 1972 BIGZ, Beograd Serbian language
Dejan Popović Medicinska instrumentacija i merenja 2014 Akademska misao Serbian language
AC. Kak, M. Slaney Principles of computerized tomography imaging 1999 IEEE Press English
Tamara Škorić, Dragana Bajić Praktikum iz obrade biomedicinskih signala 2019 Novi Sad, Fakultet tehničkih nauka Serbian language
RH Brown, RH Smallwood, DC Barber, PV Lawford, DR Hose Medical Physics and Biomedical engineering 1999 IOP Institute of Physics Publishing English
Bajić, D. Search, synchronization, sequences, states: a different approach 2006 Fakulet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad Serbian/English language
Gatlin, L.L. Information Theory and the Living System 1972 Columbia University Press, New York Serbian language
Knowledge evaluation:
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 70.00
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prof. dr Bajić Dragana

Full Professor

Practical classes
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prof. dr Bajić Dragana

Full Professor

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vanr. prof. dr Škorić Tamara

Associate Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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