Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Personal Wireless Networks in Biomedicine (17.BM119B)

Native organizations units: Department of Power, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field
  • Biomedicinsko inženjerstvo
  • Telecommunications and Signal Processing

Introduction to the fundamental and advanced aspects of wireless sensor and ad-hoc networks, through the layers of the protocol stack, emphasizing biomedical applications. Laboratory work on WSN kits.

Capability to analyze and synthesize wireless sensor and ad-hoc networks. Capability to research and design WSN solutions.

Intruduction to wireless sensor and ad-hoc networks and their applications, emphasizing biomedical applications. Statistical models of physical fields with examples in biomedicine. Physical layer. Multiple access control algorithms. Network layer and routing. Distributed signal processing. Overview of related technologies and standards - IEEE 802.15.4, Bluetooth, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN. Related programming languages and environments - NesC, Contiki OS. Independent project work.

Lectures. Consultation. Projects. Research study.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
I. Stojmenović Handbook of Sensor Networks: Algorithms and Architectures 2005 John Wiley English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 70.00
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Prof. Vukobratović Dejan

Full Professor

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Assoc. Prof. Minja Aleksandar

Associate Professor

Computational classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.


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Phone:  (+381) 21 450 810
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Fax : (+381) 21 458 133
Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

© 2024. Faculty of Technical Sciences.