Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Introduction to Scene Design (17.ASO4)

General information:
Category Artistic
Scientific or art field Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenski dizajn

Introducing students with scene design as a set of theatrical, non-theatrical, curatorial and artistic practices. Establishing of a basic corpus of knowledge and skills necessary for research, creative work and presentation of works in the field of stage design.

Ability of students for individual and team work and application of basic knowledge and skills in planning, thinking, developing and presenting ideas and projects in the field of scene design.

The term and definitions of scene design. Structure of scene design. Practices and outcomes of scene design. Scene design in theatre. Concept and different conceptions of term scenography. Decor, props, costume, mask and makeup. Light and sound. Special effects. Design of the non-theatrical spectacle. Scene design as art.

Lectures and practical sessions. Workshops and consultations. Visits to theatre plays and theatre studios, e.g. Kombinat, Srpsko narodno pozorište. During the practical sessions, student work on two projects. One of the projects involves the development of a conceptual design for a given dramatic text. The second one implies the development of a conceptual design for an artwork in the field of scene design. Final exam is a defence of these two projects.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Prezentacija i završna odbrana projekta No Yes 30.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Exercise attendance Yes Yes 5.00
Project Yes Yes 30.00
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Asst. Prof. Dimitrovska Daniela

Assistant Professor


Asst. Prof. Maljković Sanja

Assistant Professor

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Asst. Prof. Dimitrovska Daniela

Assistant Professor

Laboratory classes
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Research Associate Erdeljan Zoja

Research Associate

Laboratory classes

Asistent sa doktoratom Savić Vladimir

Assistant with PhD

Laboratory classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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Emejl: ftndean@uns.ac.rs

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