Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Production and Graduation of Master Thesis (17.ASM18)

General information:
Category Professional-applicative
Scientific or art field Scenska arhitektura, tehnika i dizajn-scenska arhitektura i tehnika

Aim of the realisation and public defence of the master work is for student to articulate, present and defend individual approach in application of the theoretical and practical knowledges and skills in the area of scene architecture and design.

Ability for independent preparation and realisation of a complex project in scene architecture. Ability to conceive and organise display of individual project, ability to argument and defend theoretical principles and ideas, as well as creative approaches and results.

Defining the topic of the Master project – establishing the work title. Theoretical and creative research and establishment of design concept. Elaborating the concept and project development. Defining the content and production of final elaborate. Creation of graphic display (posters) that represent the project, as well as creative process. Defending the work in front of the committee.

Master work is original project in the area of scene architecture. Art work has to be accompanied by textual explanation of the work consisting of presentation of theoretical basis and design approach. Mentor, to the candidate`s proposal, defines an assignment proposition for the realisation of the artistic master work, while Study programme Council accepts and verifies the proposal.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Writing the master thesis Yes Yes 50.00
Master thesis defence No Yes 50.00

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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