Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Ecology in Art and Culture (17.ASI322)

Native organizations units: Department of Environmental Engineering and Occupational Safety and Health
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field
  • Inženjerstvo biosistema
  • Inženjerstvo biosistema

Introducing students to basic ecological principles that can be applied in all aspects of human creativity. Especially learning about the environmental attributes of the built environment, typology and classification of building materials and construction, environmentally friendly urban planning and design, with an emphasis on architectural - building measures for environmental protection and safety and fire protection.

Student should be able to understand and implement basic environmental principles in the design of interior and architectural structures. He meets with the architectural - building measures for fire protection and environmental protection in build-up areas.

Theoretical study. An introductory lecture - introduce students to the program and the importance of acquiring objects defined knowledge of ecology in the design of buildings, their surroundings and interiors. Defining criteria for assessment of ecological materials, products and services standards. Materials - environmental aspects: traditional and modern materials, the historical development of construction technology, material properties and evaluation in terms of protection of natural resources and the human environment, safety and health, their specific features in extraordinary circumstances Spatial planning and urban and architectural design - the concept of sustainable development as the basis of the development of man's environment protection, protection measures are planned and reviewed at the planning and design, reconstruction and rehabilitation; building construction - an eco-rating: typology of architectural buildings by use, type of construction and applied technology development and measures to protect people, the environment and material resources, structural systems, components and assemblies, communications in buildings, passive protection measures.

Lectures. Discussion.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Heike Strelow, Vera David Ecological aesthetics art in environmental design – theory and practice 2004 Birkhausr, Berrlin English
Steven V. Szokolay The basis of sustainable design 2004 Architectural press, Oxford,UK English
Alison G. Kwok, Walter T. Gronzik Environmental strategies for shematic design 2007 Architectural press, Oxford,UK English
Cris Park Environment – Principes and Applications 2001 Routlege, London, UK English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Term paper Yes Yes 20.00
Oral part of the exam No Yes 60.00
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Prof. Štrbac Dragana

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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