Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: English language - intermediate (17.AEJ2L)

Native organizations units: Department of Fundamentals Sciences
General information:
Category Academic-general educative
Scientific or art field Anglistika i jezik struke

Further development English language knowledge through expanding the acquired vocabulary and adopting complex sentence constructions appropriate to the purpose and situation in which the language is used. Expanding vocabulary with expressions which are not related only to the immediate environment. Developing of skills for more precise and clear expressing of students' thoughts and feelings.

Students are capabel of using language knowledge and skills in various situations using appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures. Depending on the situation, students can adjust the style and registry. They can read complex texts and comment the text.

Vocabulary not only related to the immediate environment but also it includes a large number of abstract terms. Texts from various sources written in various styles and registry. Word formation related to formin abstract nouns, expressing doer of the action, adverbs, negative prefixes. Passives. Conditional sentences (the first, second and third conditional). Systematization of tenses.

The main emphasis is on students' activities during the classes, their interaction with the teacher and other students. Communication approach to foreign language learning is used.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Soars, J., Soars, L. New Headway English Course Intermediate 2000 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Grupa autora Oxford English - Serbian Student Dictionary 2006 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Eastwood, J. Oxford Practice Grammar - Intermediate 2006 Oxford University Press, Oxford English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
Written part of the exam - tasks and theory No Yes 70.00
Test Yes Yes 10.00
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Assoc. Prof. Bogdanović Vesna

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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