
Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Theory of Curves and Surfaces (17.AD0013)

Native organizations units: Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
General information:
Category Theoretical-methodological
Scientific or art field Geometric Space Theory and Interpretation in Architecture and Urbanism

The goal of this course is to acquire adequate knowledge in various fields of geometry of curves and surfaces (synthetic projective, differential, algebraic, descriptive) and to their generation and visualization.

The outcome of course is to have a basis for the generation of curves and surfaces, and their geometric transformations, using appropriate software to create the desired function of spatial forms.

The basic elements of flat and spatial curves.Tangent, principal normal and binormal.Osculate, normal and rectification plane.Torsion and radius of torsion.Touch of curves.Analytical and synthetic defining curves.Generation of curves using transformations(perspective,projective,birational, general).The basic surface elements.Tangent plane and normal to the surface.Envelope and surface plane.Principal curvatures and principal directions of the surface.

Teaching is conducted through lectures, computer practice and consultations. Knowledge evaluation takes place through the exam, where the student is required to do and practically implementati of a given problem.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
H. Pottmann, A. Asperl, M. Hofer and A. Kilian Architectural Geometry 2007 Bentley Institute Press English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 30.00
Computer exercise attendance Yes Yes 30.00
Lecture attendance Yes Yes 10.00
Graphic paper Yes Yes 30.00
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Prof. Radovan Štulić

Full Professor

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Prof. Radovan Štulić

Full Professor

Practical classes

Faculty of Technical Sciences

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