Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Urban and Regional Dynamics and Functional Principles (17.A937)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field
  • Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory
  • Urbanizam i planiranje regionalnog razvoja

The course will feature contemporary theories and projects that involve non-linear dynamics, as the main driver of new structures and processes in the urban and regional context. Strong interactions between the system components in the physical, economic and political terms will be presented in order to understand cities and regions as dynamic systems in which the intensity, flow and movement of people, capital, goods, information and technologies dominate over the fixed hierarchies.

Students will be trained to understand the dynamic components and mechanisms of functioning and structuring of the urban and regional systems. Such an analytical and critical framework is an important part in the process of understanding the complex relationships within the built environment.

Dynamic component in the global context; Philosophical base - "nomadic thinking"; Settlement networks and interactions at the regional level; Urban-rural connections and relationships; Existing forms of interaction in urban and regional context; Urban form as an indicator of interaction and activity; Functional base as a driver of urban processes; Everyday life in the cities - "cycle studies".

The method of critical analysis; illustrative-demonstrative methods, method of synthesis of acquired knowledge; Interaction between participants in the learning process

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
Batty, M. Cities and Complexity 2007 The MIT Press, Cambridge, London. English
Boelens, L. The Urban Connection 2009 010 Publishers, Rotterdam. English
Baccini, P., Brunner, P.H. Metabolism of the anthroposphere 2012 MIT Press, Cambridge English
Burdett, R & D Sudjic. The Endless City 2010 Phaidon, London English
Deleuze, G & F Guattari A thousand plateaus 1988 Athlone Press, London English
Neuhaus, F. (ed.), Studies in Temporal Urbanism. The UrbanTick Experiment. 2011 Springer, Dordrecht. English
De Landa, M. Intensive science and virtual philosophy 2002 Continuum, London English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Project task Yes Yes 15.00

Prof. Vračarić Milica

Full Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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