Faculty of Technical Sciences

Subject: Post-socialist city (17.A932)

General information:
Category Scientific-professional
Scientific or art field Architectural-Urbanistic Planning, Design and Theory

Understanding the interdependence of socio-economic environment and urban development based on an analytical approach to investigating social, spatial and cultural changes and their implications on various urban processes in the transitional circumstances. Insight into the research of the socialist heritage and its influence on urban processes, as a basis for the development of a scientific approach to confronting the challenges of a modern city. Acquiring knowledge on contemporary theoretical and methodological bases for the research of urban transformations during the socialist and post-socialist period, with the aim of examining the impacts of socio-spatial restructuring on the material and non-material post-socialist urban landscape. Development of the ability of critical approach to the analyses of urban transformations from the aspect of their positive and negative effects in the context of researching the modern city.

Acquiring new knowledge necessary for individual research on urban transformations in line with the challenges of modern urban development, which would be based on analytical and synthetic approach. Development of theoretical and practical competencies that are of great importance for the establishment of an interdisciplinary model of continuous and active cooperation during the investigation of transformations of urban space in the transitional circumstances. Providing the students with scientific tools needed for individual research of urban phenomena and processes in the context of recognizing multi-layered impacts of material and non-material heritage and socio-economic environment.

Post-socialist urban transformations: research and interpretation of causal relationships and correlations between transitional reforms and various levels of urban restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Deconstruction of the socialist- and formation of the post-socialist city - as a phenomenon that adapts to the rules and conditions of the transition from socialism to capitalism and as a socio-spatial manifestation of the transitional processes. Characteristics of urban changes and genesis of post-socialist urban landscapes – influential factors, principles and patterns. Common elements and differences based on the specifics of the socialist socio-economic environment and comparisons with capitalist cities. Comparative analyses of selected examples in the Central and Eastern Europe. Individual students’ research projects - a critical analysis of the integrity and continuity of urban changes during the socialist period and during the transition.

Lectures; workshop - critical analysis of selected examples and synthesis of acquired knowledge through individual students’ research projects; interaction between the participants in the teaching process through discussion and mentoring.

Authors Title Year Publisher Language
French, R.A. i Hamilton, F.E.I. The Socialist City: Spatial Structure and Urban Policy 1979 John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto English
Hamilton, I., Dimitrovska Andrews, K. i Pichler Milanovic, N. Transformation of Cities in Central and Eastern Europe – Towards Globalization 2005 United Nations University Press, Tokyo, New York, Paris English
Blau, E. & Rupnik, I. Project Zagreb – Transitions as Condition, Strategy 2007 Actar, Barcelona English
Smith, N. Uneven Development – Nature, Capital and the Production of Space 2008 The University of Georgia Press, Athens English
Le Gates, R.T. i Stout, F. The City Reader 2011 Routledge, London, New York English
Stanilov, K. i Sykora, L. Confronting Suburbanization – Urban Decentralization in Post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe 2014 John Willey & Sons, Chichester English
Diener, R., Meili, M., Mueller Inderbitzin, C. i Topalovic, M. Belgrade – Formal In-formal: A Research on Urban Transformation 2012 ETH Studio Basel, Contemporary City Institute, Basel English
Mrduljaš, M., Kulić, V. Unifinished Modernisations Between Utopia and Pragmatism : Architecture and Urban Planning in Yugoslavia and the Successor States 2012 Croatian Architects Association, Zagreb English
Stanilov, K. The Post-Socialist City: Urban Forms and Space Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe after Socialism 2009 Springer, Dordrecht English
Miles, S. i Miles, M. Consuming cities 2004 Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, New York English
Course activity Pre-examination Obligations Number of points
Project task Yes Yes 15.00
Theoretical part of the exam No Yes 70.00
Project task Yes Yes 15.00

Prof. Vračarić Milica

Full Professor


Assoc. Prof. Nedučin Dejana

Associate Professor


Faculty of Technical Sciences

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